Mammoth House - neolithic (pre-Stone Age) - 16,000-10,000 BCE
Skara Brae Dwelling 3180-2500 BCE
Crete Plaster figures + bronze "votives" of sheep & cattle - 1600 BCE
Bronze Age Tholos Tomb (Treasury of Atreus) at Mycenae, Greece - 1300-1200 BCE
Kouros (male) and Kore (female) statues representing the Individual - 700-600s BCE
Winged Victory of Samothrace - 600 BCE
The Sacred Temple of Delphi - 530 BCE
Treasury of the Siphnians, Delphi, 530-525 BCE
The Parthenon at Athens, Greece - 447-432 BCE
The Sanctuary of the Great Gods, Ancient Greece - 200-100s BCE
Teotihuacan, Mayan City, 1st Century-->750 CE
Rock cut chaitya hall, monastery at Karli, India - 100-125 CE
Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli, Italy - 118-125 CE
Pantheon, built for Emperor Hadrian, Rome, Italy - 120-127 CE
Santa Costanza - 300s CE
The Ise Shrine, Ise, Japan, late 5th-6th Century (late 400s-500s CE)
Asuka period (beginnings of Buddhism in Japan) - 552-645 CE
Visigoths? (Plundering Rome?) - 400-800 CE
Cordoba, Constantinople & Mexico City=really important places - 8th, 9th + 10th centuries (700s-1000s CE)
Carolingian architecture - 800s CE
Pueblo Bonito - 900-1300 CE
Mosque at Djenne, Mali - early 14th century (early 1300s CE)
The Alhambra ("Red Citadel") Granada, Spain - 1340s CE
The Court of Lions, the Alhambra, Spain - 1354-1391 CE
The Friday Mosque, Mali, Africa - 1400s CE
Cluney Abbey - 800-1100 C.E.
St. Gall Abbey - 817 C.E.
The Baptistery, Florence, (1000-1200 C.E.)
St Trophime, Arles, S. France, 1170 C.E.
The Church of our lady of Chartres - 1190-1220 C.E.
The Tempietto for St. Peter, monastery - 1502 C.E.
Guilio Romano's Palazzo del Te, Mantua, Italy (1526-34 C.E.)
Della Porta's Gesu Church, Rome, 1575 C.E.
Chiswick House - 1735 C.E. - Palladion architect Lord Burlington
Monticello, Thomas Jefferson, 1768-82 C.E., 1796-1809 C.E.
Inigo Jones, The Banquetting Hall, 1619-1637 C.E.
Imperial Villa, Katsura, near Kyoto, Japan (1620-37 C.E.)
Royal Palace and Gardens at Versailles, France 1624-1778 C.E.
Church of San Estevan, Acoma, New Mexico, 1629-33 C.E.
Taj Mahal - Agra, India - 1631-1641 C.E.
Hall of Mirrors - Mansart - 1678 C.E. (ceilings le Brun, Engineer le Notre)
Parson Capen House, 1683 C.E.
MacPhaedris-Warner House "Georgian" Portsmouth, NH - (1714-16 C.E.)
Chiswick House - 1725 C.E.
Gardener Wentworth House - 1760 C.E.
Keddleston Hall, by Robert Adam (1770s-80s C.E.)
Apollo and Thetis, Versailles Gardens, Richard Mique - 1778 C.E.
Slater Mill, Pawtucket, RI - 1793 C.E.
Yin Yu Tang - 1800 C.E. --> Salem, MA - (1800s-1840s)
The Crystal Palace, London, England - Joseph Paxton - 1851 C.E.
Red House - Philip Webb for William and Jane Morris - 1860
Trinity Church, Boston, MA - 1870s C.E.
Home+Studio, Oak Park, IL, Frank Lloyd Wright, 1880s-90s
"The Rookery" - 1888 C.E.
Gamble House - 1907 C.E. - Henry + Charles Green
The Bauhaus - Walter Gropius - 1919 C.E.
Usonian House Designs - The Zimmerman House (1950 C.E.)
The Ise Shrine, Japan, Most recent rebuilding: 1993 CE